Back in Action!


Convention season is coming up and I thought I should update this blog since some people might visit it who ask for a business card. Since I last updated, my wife and I had a son who is a lot of work, but he’s the best part of our lives! 🙂 I also took part in FanExpo 2012. The was my first convention and I think it’s a pretty big deal. It cost a lot of money to be part of it and I did make some good money, but it was a LONG weekend and I actually make more money doing smaller local shows. This year I’ll be doing two shows here in Windsor and a show in London. Anyway, here’s a couple of my best bead pictures yet!

True Romance Bead Art!


Almost a year ago I started getting some more tattoos after taking a break for a few years. I came across an artist that I liked and we started talking about the kind of art that I do. That’s who commissioned me to do the Van Gogh that I posted previously. Halfway through the Van Gogh, he also requested to do “a big one”. True Romance is his favourite movie and he wanted this iconic scene from the film. It took way longer than I anticipated, but 86,400 beads and about 130 hours later, it’s done. I will NEVER do something this ambitious ever again. lol I will probably do one half the size for myself one day, but this project was ridiculous. I’ll get some expert tattoos in exchange so I don’t mind the hefty workload to finish it. Now I can focus on preparing for FanExpo 2012 where I’ll be selling my art with my sister at our own booth!

Bead Portraits


Wow, it’s been over a year since I posted! /pukes

Lately I’ve been working on bead portraits. The first is a Christmas present for my sister. It’s Gerard Way from the band My Chemical Romance.


Next, I did a Justin Beaver (not changing it!) for someone at work.


Then for myself I made a Ryan Reynolds. What a hunk! lol


And my most recent one of Vincent Van Gogh for my tattoo artist.


Wolverine 2.0!!!!!!1!!!

Bead Sprites

A while back I took my favourite comic book cover, resized it and reduced the colours to make a large bead sprite. (My first project that wasn’t already pixellated) It took the better part of a year and became an annoyance for my wife. She asked me so many time, “When are you going to finish Wolverine??!!” I would always get sidetracked on other projects. I’m so bad for finishing something 90%, then not touching it for weeks. Anyway, I did finally finish and when I put it in a frame, I realized there were a lot of beads that had melted too much and the top row had one more bead than the bottom row causing the whole thing to be horribly warped and wavy. I tried fixing it after the fact and it stretched and pulled and put beads on an angle. MANY F-bombs were dropped. I got too frustrated and started cutting it up into 29×29 beads squares so I could START OVER. I was laid off from work at the time and didn’t think it would take that long… A few months later, it has been reworked and I cleaned up some of the image as I went. I have a few more colours this time around so I improved the shading in the fiery background and made his hands and claws look a little better. I’m pretty happy with it and plan on never touching it again except to put it up on my wall! Eventually I would like to find a cool image of Deathpool and Spider-Man to put up there with him.

Death Note!

Bead Sprites

This year is the first that I was able to whore myself out and make art for people. It was nice to make some extra money while I was laid off from my real job, but kind of burnt me out and made me not like this hobby so much. I’m sure after some time off from crafts, I’ll get into it again. I made a Death Note bead sprite of Ryuk a week ago. The pixel art was designed by my friend Logan Davis. I put a Toon Link that I made a long time ago into an art show as well. It sold and had two other people request me to make other ones. So altogether I sold 3. Original pixel art by AbyssWolf on DeviantArt.
RyukToon Link

Scott Pilgrim


I’m a pretty big fan of Scott Pilgrim anything. I love the books, the movie and even the game. First up, I made Scott playing the bass with Perler Beads. Original pixel art from the game by probertson on LiveJournal. After that, I was so excited to start making my version of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s cover of the first book in beads. Here’s a few shots of that.
Scott Playing Bass
Scott Pilgrim WIP01Scott Pilgrim WIP02Scott Pilgrim Final

Must… control… rage…

Bead Sprites

I finally managed to get motivated to finish my Wolverine cover that I started beading nearly two years ago. I had in a frame and everything. It looked really good, but there were about 30 beads that melted funny so I thought I would repair it instead of having a few flaws in an otherwise epic piece. Then I discovered I missed half a row which caused a lot of stretching and squishing in the first place. I then commenced some bead surgery and have made a huge mess of things. I’ll try and get it all done today, but here’s some shots of the progress…


Bead Sprites

Still no pulse… Airway’s clear… Commence CPR… 1,2,3 breathe…
I got a pulse! Glad to have this blog back to life.
Here’s some work I did of Batman sprites. The batman pixel art was originally done by Hiroki8 on DeviantArt, but I made the Joker and Harley from modified Pokemon sprites myself. The Heath Ledger Joker head was originally pixelled by RJdog1000.
Heath Ledger's Joker